Stampi Pilone takes care of the pad printing, labeling, packaging, up to the shipment near your warehouses

Additional services

  • Processing on printed parts
    The company studies with its suppliers every component that the kit needs, from the boxes, with size and thickness, from the pad or screen printing, with the definition of the colors chosen by the customer, laser cutting for perfect figures, digital prints, labels to be inserted on the goods produced, defining thicknesses and sizes, creating for you, in the shortest time possible, a finished product.
    It also deals with defining packaging with instructions, additional gadgets and any supplement that the product requires.
  • Assembly and services
    After having defined step by step all these details the work teams take care of the assembly, that is to assemble, position and glue each component as a separate base; then they dedicate themselves to the packing and construction part of the platforms.
    The Company carries out these types of processing not only with the self-produced goods, but also with materials printed by third parties; the additional strength of the services offered by Stampi Pilone is the organization of transport, as it deals with the logistic management of the goods so as to be able to deliver it directly to your warehouses.
  • Storage and picking
    Given the need of some of our customers for delayed deliveries of their products, for some years a logistics management service has been started. In a dedicated space, customers’ materials are stored and shipments are managed according to their needs, interacting if necessary with commercial lines and sales points. In particular, for some multinationals, we manage goods on loan with direct deliveries from supermarkets to bars, also performing activities of sanitization and small repair of their tools.